Today we’ll learn about the keyboard …

Notice the pattern of the letters and how they fit on the stave.

Line notes alternate with space notes

Notice how Middle C is written. It hangs below the stave in treble with a line running through it. Llikewise, it sits above the stave in the bass with a line running through it

When we play the piano, have your thumbs turned slightly inwards, sharing Middle C.

All the other fingers should line up to sit on the consecutive keys. The posture of the hands should be slightly curved, balance your weight so that your wrists are up and only the fingertips are touching the last ¼ of the keys.

This is important because it prevents “reaching up” to the keys which can lead to repetitive strain injuries, it’s also good because you have the force and weight of gravity to hit the keys.

This means less energy expended on your part and better control of sound, particularly in acoustic pianos.

Tip: If you are looking to get a keyboard, make sure that it is weighted which means, the keys will have a firmer touch show you how to read music.


Regarding fingering …

” Fingering: Each finger is given a number, when we read music there will sometimes be little numbers above or below the notes. These help us align our hands for good fingering, which means the music will flow better as we don’t have to lift up and re-arrange our hands. ” See if you can write in the letters and note values for the following. The answers will be in the next article



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